
Article 1

Denomination, format, and affiliation 

Estrema: interdisciplinary journal of humanities is an online, open access academic publication of the Centre for Comparative Studies (CEComp) at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (FLUL).


Article 2


Estrema: interdisciplinary journal of humanities highlights as its main goal the publication, dissemination, and debate of academic content. Articles from higher education students, both national and international, as well as of any other interested authors, will be considered for publication, if within the scope of any of the scientific areas in the current curriculum offered by the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (FLUL). Estrema will also consider articles written within the scope of the scientific areas of Geocriticism and Ecocriticism, Film Studies, Gender Studies, and related areas. In accordance to the interdisciplinary and comparatist scope of estrema, articles that consider cultural, artistic, or textual objects within the following areas will also be considered: Anthropology, Documental Science, Education Science, Medical Science, Musical Science, Political Science, Law, Economics, Geography, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Sociology, Theology, among others.


Article 3


Estrema: interdisciplinary journal of humanities is constituted by a Board of Directors, an Editorial Board (EB), and a Scientific Council (SC).


Article 4


Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors is constituted by a Director and a Deputy Director, who are also permanent members of the Editorial Board;
  2. The Director and the Deputy Director are elected by the students who are members of the EB;
  3. The management details of applications for the roles of Director and Deputy Director will be defined by each EB;
  4. The Board of Directors’ mandate is biennial and can only be re-elected once. If the re-election does not happen, the ceasing Board of Directors will have to accompany, for a period of no more than three months, the restructuring of the remaining Team;
  5. In the event of an absence of applications for the Board of Directors, the EB has the duty to elect two temporary representative persons from among its members;
  6. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to abide by and guarantee the proper application of the Statutes;
  7. It is also the responsibility of the Board of Directors to call the EB to: define the mandate’s Editorial Project (EP); evaluate and reevaluate the execution of the proposed goals; to plan estrema’s ordinary and special issues; to discuss matters of budget.


Article 5

Editorial Board

  1. The EB is composed of a team of postgraduate students, of which the Director and the Deputy Director are also a part of;
  2. All postgraduate students are eligible for the Editorial Board, as long as they are affiliated with the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon;
  3. An application call for members of the EB is opened biennially and is to be called by the Board of Directors at the end of their mandate. The applications will be evaluated based on a CV and a Motivation Letter;
  4. If need arises, applications for members of the EB can be opened, following the established format in line 3 of Article 5;
  5. Members of the EB who are reaching the end of their mandate may continue to practise their roles if they so wish, so long as they have declared this intent in a timely manner;
  6. It is the EB’s responsibility to define the publication’s procedural languages, depending on the linguistic knowledge of its members;
  7. Regarding the termination of service: 1) the voluntary termination of service may happen at any given moment, but should be communicated to the Director through a registered letter or an email up until 30 days before the date of termination; 2) the termination of service because of the conclusion of an academic degree will happen in the 12 months after the conclusion of the degree;
  8. It is the responsibility of the EB to fulfill the goals established in the EP;
  9. It is also the responsibility of the EB to ensure the rigour and quality of the evaluation process; to evaluate and decide upon applications for the EB; ensure the publication of the two annual issues, determined in Article 9 of the present Statutes; to write, alter, and approve the Statutes of estrema.


Article 6

Scientific Council

  1. The Scientific Council (SC) is composed of professors affiliated to national and international universities, as well as other persons who, notwithstanding the absence of academic affiliation, are recognised as specialists in certain fields;
  2. The members of the SC are invited for their role by members of the EB;
  3. It is the responsibility of the SC, upon the request of the EB, to give an informed opinion on the EP, as well as on the quality of the submissions received, taking into account their publication under the seal of estrema;
  4. Finally, it is the responsibility of the SC to provide guidance in other matters to be defined according to specific needs that may arise.


Article 7

Editorial Project

  1. The EP is composed of the guidelines and goals defined for the two years which correspond to the mandate of the Board of Directors;
  2. The EP must be discussed, written, and approved by the EB, through a process of simple majority;
  3. The EP can be altered and readjusted as long as there is justifying cause to do so.


Article 8

Evaluation Process

  1. All submissions that fulfill the submission requirements will be evaluated;
  2. Each submission is evaluated by two SC members;
  3. The evaluator classifies the submissions according to the evaluation criteria;
  4. The submissions may be approved, rejected, or sent back to the author for reformulation;
  5. Evaluators cannot evaluate submissions in which they were involved or which they have accompanied in any way;
  6. Students who are members of the EB cannot submit any research to estrema;
  7. The evaluators’ decisions are final.


Article 9


  • Estrema is a biennial publication. This coincides with the Board of Directors’ mandate.
  1. It is predicted that each mandate will correspond to the publication of two numbers.


Article 10


  1. All submissions are done exclusively online;
  2. Submissions are open twice in specific Call For Papers to be defined by the EB.


Article 11

Omitted Cases

  1. Omitted cases in these Statutes will be analysed and judged by the members of the EB.