Luzes da Cidade


  • António Seabra



memory, death, oblivion, pictures, words, revelation


In Fahrenheit 451, a dystopian novel written by the late Ray Bradbury (1920-2012), the firemen of an unnamed town set blazes that erase the past and extinguish knowledge. In As Primeiras Coisas - written by Bruno Vieira do Amaral (born 1978) - an array of racy events in a fictitious neighbourhood comes to life thanks to the memory of a nostalgic narrator with an apocalyptic sensibility. The former oeuvre - published in 1953 - reflects upon the future of humankind and its relationship with two objects which shine very different lights. The latter work - ignited in 2013 - exhorts the reader to wander into past times, always accompanied by a camera. I will compare these two works. Indeed, I will analyse them considering the light/shadow dichotomy, focusing on some revealing reflections.

Author Biography

  • António Seabra

    I was born in Lisbon in 1991 and lived in the Algarve until 2004 - the year I returned to the Portuguese capital. Today, I am an Azorean. "Propelled by waves", we've come to a "beautiful and fresh island". I majored in Language, Literature, and Culture at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (2013). I became a Master in Portuguese Language Teaching at Nova University's Faculty of Social & Human Sciences (2015). In 2018, I did a post-graduate degree in Classical Studies at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. I am a teacher and a father. E-mail:


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How to Cite

“Luzes Da Cidade”. 2024. Estrema: Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities 2 (2): 141-64.