A mulher na narrativa de Paulina Chiziane: ressignificando papéis de gênero na sociedade moçambicana


  • Áurea Regina do Nascimento Santos
  • Algemira de Macedo Mendes


Paulina Chiziane, Gender, Mozambique


This work aims to discuss how polygamy is presented as a way of defining gender roles following and reinforcing the tradition of Mozambican society according to the novels:
Balada de Amor ao Vento, O Alegre Canto da Perdiz e Niketche: uma História de Poligamia, by Paulina Chiziane. This works have helped to build resistance and identity of Mozambican women after many years of slavery, colonization, acculturation and denial of rights. Such conflicts left unspeakable marks on their bodies and souls, and through female literary writing, those women can resist against oppression, fight for awareness of their values in their our culture and society, and, finally, conquer independence. The author defies the rules of a society marked by patriarchal culture, using her own voice, in the postcolonial context of a Portuguese speaking country as a way to recover the ancestral memory of her people and, particularly, of women, offering them a new meaning. Thus, the work of Paulina Chiziane points to the questioning and disruption of what imprisons women’s attitudes and desires in her novels.

Author Biographies

  • Áurea Regina do Nascimento Santos

    B.A in English Language and Literatures – State University of Piauí – Brazil (UESPI). M.A. in Language and Literature – UESPI (March/2016). Fulbright Scholar at the Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln, USa (2011-2012). Associate Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí – Brazil (IFPI).

  • Algemira de Macedo Mendes

    B.A. in Portuguese Language and Literatures by UESPI. M.A. in Portuguese Language and Literatures – Federal University of Pernambuco – Brazil (UFPE), Ph.D. in Portuguese Language and Literatures – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) and Post-Doctorate at the University of Lisboa, Portugal. Author and organizer of several books on Portuguese Language Literature. Associate Professor at State University of Piauí – Brazil (UESPI).






How to Cite

“A Mulher Na Narrativa De Paulina Chiziane: Ressignificando papéis De Gênero Na Sociedade moçambicana”. 2015. Estrema: Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities 1 (7): 19. https://estrema.letras.ulisboa.pt/ojs/index.php/estrema/article/view/70.