O risco das palavras: Deus e a morte em Poemas malditos, gozosos e devotos


  • Bruno Fellipe Pedrosa Coutinho


death, deity, Hilda Hilst, poetry, real


the research aims to analyse the notion of incompleteness represented by the lyric self on Poemas malditos, gozosos e devotos (1984), from Hilda Hilst, It supports the hypothesis that God appears as a signifier, marked by absence. Through a theoretical framework grounded on Psychoanalysis and Philosophy, it attempts to demonstrate that the desire of the poetic persona of encountering the divine covers up, infact, the phylosofical category of non-being, which identifies the deity with the psychoanalitic order of the Real, with the space of the endless writing of absence. It is believed that writing carries within itself the revelation of death, disclosing the finitude of being. Thus, from the religious view of the lyric self, we intend to demonstrate that death can be understood as what generates the negative Hegelian dialectics.

Author Biography

  • Bruno Fellipe Pedrosa Coutinho

    B.A. in Social Communication – Journalism at Centro de Estudos Superiores de Maceió (Cesmac), M.A and PhD in Language and Linguistics – Literary Studies at Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Ufal) and scholarship by Comissão de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Nível Superior (Capes).






How to Cite

“O Risco Das Palavras: Deus E a Morte Em Poemas Malditos, Gozosos E Devotos”. 2016. Estrema: Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities 1 (8): 38. https://estrema.letras.ulisboa.pt/ojs/index.php/estrema/article/view/52.