Literatura e ensino de língua inglesa: a experiência do estágio como momento prático na formação docente


  • Naylane Araújo Matos


Ensino de Inglês, Formação docente, literatura


This paper presents the report and reflection about the Practicum experience in the graduation of Letras – Língua Inglesa e Literaturas by Universidade do Estado da Bahia –UNEB, DCH IV, Brazil, from 2012 to 2014. The first, third and fourth Practicums happened at Deocleciano Barbosa de Castro and Padre Alfredo Haasler public schools in Jacobina, Bahia, and the focus was on literature, more specifically its use in English classes. The first practicum aim was the investigation of the use of literature in class. In the second and third ones, the aim was to provide target language knowledge by reading literary excerpts worked with hypertexts such as music, videos, images, and movies. During the first Practicum, the use of the literary text was not noticed. During the third and fourth Practicum, in general, the students had little participation in the evaluation activities, however, their participation in the classroom, their comments, inferences and connections were very positive, especially when the literary text was worked with the help of an increasingly familiar hypertext.

Author Biography

  • Naylane Araújo Matos

    She is graduated in Letras – Língua Inglesa e Literaturas by UNEB – Universidade do Estado da Bahia. She had a grant of the Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID and of the Scientific Initiation – PICIN/UNEB. Currently, she is special student at the Graduate Program in Estudos da Tradução at UFSC – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; and researcher at the research group LEFOR – Linguagem, estudos culturais e formação do leitor. Main areas of practice and interest: Reanding and reader formation, English literature, feminist literary criticism, feminist translation.






How to Cite

“Literatura E Ensino De língua Inglesa: A Experiência Do estágio Como Momento prático Na formação Docente”. 2016. Estrema: Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities 1 (8): 19.