Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): In Praise of Shadows

					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): In Praise of Shadows

The Editorial Team at estrema: interdisciplinary journal of humanities has the pleasure
to introduce the present number, the first of its second series, in the year in which the journal
celebrates its tenth anniversary.

estrema has gathered, throughout its first decade of existence (2010-2020), dozens of multimodal voices, thanks to the dedication and ingenuity of its current and former collaborators. estrema was, and continues to be, a journal managed by students and directed to students of the most varied backgrounds and areas of knowledge, privileging the thematic diversity it invokes and gathers in its articles, always highlighting comparative approaches. After some years of darksome inactivity, due to sparse material resources and in the midst of adapting to a pandemic-filled world, the Team proposed that, for the first number of its Series II, a reflexion on shadows was in order. The second number of this series, scheduled to be published during the Summer of 2022, will be dedicated to a reflexion on light, its pair and contrast. The challenge that the Team launched in its Call For Papers resulted in the present selection of seven articles stemming from the most varied areas of contemporary thought.

With the goal to, on the one hand, evoke the symbolic parallel between our thematic arch and the rebirth of estrema, it was also our goal to, on the other hand, propel a reflexion which, embedded in critical will and comparative scope, thought about and challenged the preconceived disciplinary boundaries in the Humanities. The challenge was to start with that which revealed itself not as a diptych (shadow/light), but as an interpretive journey of a thematic thread in its variations and possibilities of meaning, which demarcate the specter of our editorial choice.

Finally, but not less relevant, we could not end this introduction without leaving our most sincere condolences for the passing of Lourdes Castro (1930-2022), a master of shadows, to whose memory we dedicate this praise.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51427/com.est.2022.0000.

Published: 13-07-2022